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TD Wealth Management

sorry I am working on updating this project page - you are welcome to click and see this project on my old portfolio page


An effort to develop an experience strategy for the next generation of WebBroker (brokerage platform).  

Part of the experience strategy includes the development of design concepts to illustrate the future vision of WebBroker.



In this stage of the project I created new design concepts (based on users' different mental models) for the following 'situations': understanding the status of their investments, determine what and when to buy and sell, learning how to making trades. See sketches/wirframes below. These artifacts were tested with potential users (in a professional usability lab by an external vendor). 


TD Wealth - WebBroker NextGen

Conceptual Sketches of TD's Direct Investing (DI) platform 


  • Make all of TD investing products and services from across segments available in one location.

  • Creating a new viable workflow enabling TD customers to open Direct Investing accounts online (including both types of investing-accounts; registered and non-registered).


To fully understand the experience of opening a new investment account, I went through the procedure, and open my own account offline, at a branch (and documenting all steps). I later conducted several interviews with TD’s clerks who do that daily - opening investment accounts with customers. 

I worked with a Business Analyst (BA) who provided me clear documentation of the required inputs and all additional customer information that must be collected and explained to the customer while opening a new account. 

I led a couple of workshops with the BA, and the product managers, where we documented the desired flow and the different permutations that will have to be addressed in the final experience – to enable users to open different types of accounts.

I created and reviewed my artifacts with the team (the project’s BA, product managers, content writers, and developers,   and revised them based on the feedback in their feedback.

I also had to review the flow with the legal and the fraud team to ensure the design will incorporate  all the proper copy and explicit consent-collections from the user in relevant touch-points thought the process as per the bank and federal regulations (such as; placeholders for different disclaimers, and an interaction for agreeing to the product’s terms and conditions, etc.) 


See the user flow and account opening process wireframes (annotated for development and copy) below.

TD Wealth + TD Canada Trust

Direct Investing (DI) Products Online Account Opening

Cross channel DI accounts opening - updates.

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